Monday, June 2, 2008


(May 31, 2008) Every year during the third week in May, I have an appointment reminder. It says - CALL CHERRY, and in my contacts CHERRY HOTLINE (24 Hours): (661) 266-7116. I listen intently, as this phone recorded message will share with me when the Cherry Orchards of Leona Valley will be open for picking.

Now this is A GREAT DAY OUT! The beautiful drive north to the end of Bouquet Canyon Road and make a left toward Leona Valley. Your first stop is the local General Market. You can see what is going on in town. Chat with locals.

This year we met the group promoting the Leona Valley Area Events. The Cherry Festival Parade (June 14th) and the Wine Tasting (June 21)! Check into the video below for details as well as the pic of the flyer.

After visiting... then you go on into the General Store and get your map. They will tell you who is open for picking. We go to whichever strikes our fancy. You arrive at the orchard and gracious Orchard teammates will direct you where to get your bins. Bins will either be baskets, buckets or wagons. Some hard-core pickers bring their own receptacles and ladders to get to the high fruit. Most everyone else brings themselves and comfortable shoes and the picking begins!

I pick anywhere between 8-20 lbs of cherries. This year I picked 11 lbs! I pit them using this great little pitter tool, bag and freeze them.

Soon, or not so soon, they will be made into pies, jam, and my favorite--snacked on frozen during the upcoming Fourth of July parade in Newhall, CA. I hope to see you there!

Once again keep your eyes open to the community events you can be a part of in and around Santa Clarita Valley.

Enjoy and Have a great day!

-Leah Pollack
Your Real Estate Investing Resource

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